Tuesday, October 20, 2009

A page! Yes, really!

I know, it's been far too long.  But our internet has been down, blah blah blah.  I'm sure you don't care about my excuses, just SHOW THE PAGE ALREADY, WOMAN!

Okay, fine, you don't have to yell.

Here it is:

It's okay, it's true.  Also, I have other pages in progress.  Yes, really! 

Also, tomorrow: I'm not the smartest person you know.  Find out why.

On this page: Golden fluid acrylics; old dictionary bits; stickers, stamping; india ink; charcoal pencil.


  1. beautiful page Shel! LOVE it!
    ps. nice to see you're back!

  2. I hear ya! Me too! And once we start, it will "drip" right into other areas.

  3. I just ordered some of those fluid acrylics. They sure look nice on your page. I hope they work well for me like that! It's a lovely page! I really like the "non-negotiable" stamp.


I would love to hear what you think...