Thursday, February 24, 2011

You might have to squint a little


I had a great time this past weekend working on some postcard-sized doodle/paintings. And I just realized that it's already THURSDAY and wow, am I late showing these to you!

Actually I'm only going to show you one for now. I don't know if it's because the watercolour paper is still slightly curled, or if I did something wrong when I cropped out the extra stuff, but this photo isn't exactly accurate.

The colours are pretty close to the original, but the actual picture is taller and narrower, not short and stumpy and crunched-looking. So yeah, if you squint a little you'll get the idea, but I think I'll try to get better pics to show you the other ones I did. 

Back soon.
Love Shelley!


  1. Are you on a hot air balloon kick too? I know I am! I haven't shared on my blog yet though (it is for a workshop I am leading and the class isn't 'there' yet!). I love your page!

  2. squinting or no squint, tall or short & stubby, curled or's fabulous. ab-s0-lute-ly fabulous. in fact, i love it. i ab-s0-lute-ly love it! xox


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