Sunday, July 18, 2010

How quickly things change

So yesterday was basically the Worst Day Ever.  I'll spare you my rant, but the picture below is EXACTLY how I felt last night, no word of a lie.  I didn't feel all that much better when I got up this morning and I must say: strong emotion REALLY makes a page come together quickly.  HA! 

It's not fancy but it really says it all:

Things are mostly back to normal now, but there's a piece of pie in the fridge with my name on it, just in case.

Love Shelley!


  1. I have some chocolate cake at my house that I am hiding from the kids if that will help!!! We can share! I have been loving your blog, you are super talented!!

  2. Hi Shelly, thanks for stopping by. :)
    we have all been there!!! I love this journal spread. That face is just tooo darn perfect!!

    Glad things are "mostly" back to normal!!!! :)

  3. pie sounds perfect. and when that's gone (in, what, about ten seconds?), i'd go straight for the bag of chips.....both the chocolate and potato variety. works for me every time! in the meantime, your journal page is PER-FECT!! i love the simplicity of it....the pure, raw emotion! and your little frustrated friend is actually kinda a drained, strained, overwhelmed kind of way! i hope your week gets better and better!! xox, :))
    p.s. and you are one FIERCE gal.....i love that page, too!!! xox

  4. why not call me?

    LOVE that face, must see it in person...touch it... is it felt?

  5. Very nice!!! I feel inspired now! :-)

  6. I found your blog today and I really love your work. This page is amazing.

  7. Hey Shelly, you have been might quiet, everything okay???

  8. oh my gosh how I love this! I know exactly how this feels. I need this printed out big! And shame on you for not telling me you have a blog!! I have a letter in the works for you!!! oxox


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